National Medal of Science Winners

People with National Medal of Science


Name Title
Nick Holonyak American inventor
Nicolaas Bloembergen Dutch physicist
Nina Fedoroff American biologist
Norbert Wiener American mathematician
Norman Bor American Biologist
Norman Borlaug Agronomist
Norman Hackerman American chemist
Orville Vogel American biologist
Patrick Suppes American philosopher
Paul Alfred Weiss Austrian biologist
Paul Alivisatos American scientists specialising in chemistry
Paul Berg American biochemist
Paul Cohen Director
Paul Doughty Bartlett American chemist
Paul Flory American chemist
Paul Greengard American neuroscientist
Paul Gyorgy Pediatrician
Paul Lauterbur American scientist
Paul Marks English cricketer
Paul Samuelson American economist
Paul Zamecnik American geneticist
Peter Carl Goldmark American inventor
Peter Debye Dutch physicist and physical chemist Nobel laureate in Chemistry
Peter Dervan American chemist
Peter Goldreich American astronomer
Peter H. Raven American botanist
Peter J. Stang chemist
Peter Lax American mathematician
Philip Abelson Physicist editor and writer
Philip Leder American geneticist
Philip Warren Anderson American physicist
R. Duncan Luce Scientists
R. S. Lull Paleontologist
Ralph Asher Alpher American cosmologist
Ralph Brazelton Peck
Ralph E. Gomory
Ralph F. Hirschmann American biochemist
Ray W. Clough
Raymond D. Mindlin Mechanician
Reynold B. Johnson American inventor and computer pioneer
Riccardo Giacconi Physicist
Richard A. Tapia American mathematician
Richard Barry Bernstein American physical chemist
Richard Brauer German-American mathematician
Richard Feynman American Nobel Prize-winning physicist and science educator
Richard Garwin American physicist
Richard M. Karp American computer scientist
Richard T. Whitcomb American aerospace engineer
Richard Zare American chemist
Rita Levi-Montalcini Italian Neurologist

National Medal of Science (0 years)

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