National Medal of Science Winners

People with National Medal of Science


Name Title
Leo Beranek American Acoustical Engineer
Leo Kadanoff American physicists
Leon M. Lederman American mathematician and physicist
Leonard Kleinrock Engineer
Leonid Hurwicz American economist mathematician and Nobel laureate
Leroy Hood American biologist
Lewis Hastings Sarett American inventor
Linus Pauling American biochemist and theoretical chemist anti-nuclear testing campaigner Nobel laureate
Lonnie Thompson American paleoclimatologist
Louis Nirenberg Canadian mathematician
Louis Plack Hammett American chemist
Lubert Stryer American biochemist
Lucy Shapiro Developmental biologist
Luis Walter Alvarez American physicist
Luna Leopold Geomorphologist and hydrologist
Lyman Spitzer American astronomer
Lynn Margulis American Biologist
M. Frederick Hawthorne American chemist
Manson Benedict American nuclear engineer
Margaret Burbidge Astronomer
Mario Capecchi Genetics Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007.
Marshall Harvey Stone American mathematician
Marshall Rosenbluth American nuclear physicist
Marshall Warren Nirenberg American biochemist
Marston Morse American mathematician
Martin David Kruskal American mathematician
Martin Schwarzschild German astronomer
Marvin L. Cohen American physicist
Mary Ellen Avery American pediatrician
Mary-Claire King American geneticist
Marye Anne Fox
Maurice Ewing geophysicist and oceanographer
Maurice Goldhaber American physicist
Maurice Hilleman Pioneering vaccinologist
Max Tishler American chemist
Maxine Singer American biologist
May Berenbaum American entomologist
Melvin Calvin American chemist Nobel laureate in Chemistry
Michael Artin American mathematician
Michael Freedman Mathematician and Fields Medalist at Microsoft Station Q
Michael Heidelberger American immunologist
Michael Posner (economist) British economist
Michael Stuart Brown American biologist
Mildred Cohn American biochemist
Mildred Dresselhaus American physicist
Milton Friedman American economist public intellectual Nobel laureate
Mostafa El-Sayed Egyptian chemsit
Nancy Coover Andreasen American neuroscientist
Nathan M. Newmark
Neal E. Miller American psychologist

National Medal of Science (0 years)

  • Inception: