Virgin of the Secret Service 56 years old

Virgin of the Secret Service

Set in the 1900s, when the British Secret Service was a new, unofficial arm of military activity, the series features Captain Robert Virgin - an officer and a gentleman who fights as a man of honour. Armed only with intelligence, ingenuity, physical strength and abundant charm, Virgin faces every sort of peril as he defends King and country - from industrial espionage to anarchist bomb plots, assassination attempts to kidnapping.


Clinton Greyn
Clinton Greyn

Capt. Robert Virgin

Julie Mendez
Julie Mendez


Julie Mendez
Julie Mendez

Belly Dancer

John Cater
John Cater

Fred Doublett

Alexander Doré
Alexander Doré

Karl von Brauner

Julie Mendez
Julie Mendez



Name Character
Clinton Greyn He was 34 , 85 years old when he died as Capt. Robert Virgin
Julie Mendez as Dancer
Julie Mendez as Belly Dancer
John Cater He was 36 , 77 years old when he died as Fred Doublett
Alexander Doré He was 44 , 78 years old when he died as Karl von Brauner
Julie Mendez as Paola
Peter Diamond He was 27 , 63 years old when he died as 2nd Arab
Veronica Strong She was 30 , now 86 years old as Mrs Virginia Cortez


Name Job title
Virgin of the Secret Service poster
Virgin of the Secret Service (56 years)


  • First Air Date: 1968-03-28
  • Runtime: [60] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 13