Secrets at the Hotel (El hotel de los secretos) 8 years old

The story of Secrets at the Hotel begins in 1908. Julio Olmedo and Isabel Alarcón travel on the same train to the Gran Hotel, property of the Alarcón family. Both of them ignore that their lives will take a new twist in that place, produced by love, treason, and the secrets hidden there.


Irene Azuela
Irene Azuela

Isabel Alarcón

Dominika Paleta
Dominika Paleta

Sofia Alarcón

Diana Bracho
Diana Bracho

Teresa Alarcón

Jorge Poza
Jorge Poza


Daniela Romo
Daniela Romo



Name Character
Irene Azuela She was 36 , now 44 years old as Isabel Alarcón
Dominika Paleta She was 43 , now 51 years old as Sofia Alarcón
Jorge Poza He was 38 , now 47 years old as Diego
Daniela Romo She was 56 , now 64 years old as Angela
Diana Bracho She was 71 , now 79 years old as Teresa Alarcón


Name Job title
Secrets at the Hotel poster
Secrets at the Hotel (8 years)


  • First Air Date: 2016-01-25
  • Runtime: [45] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 1