Duck Patrol 25 years old

Duck Patrol is a British television comedy series that originally aired in 1998. Produced by LWT for the ITV network, it centered around a river police station by the River Thames. The script for the pilot episode 'Of Ducks and Men' was re-filmed with some changes to supporting cast and main cast uniforms, and retitled as 'Flying Colours' which then became the first episode of the following series.



Name Character
Tony Haygarth He was 53 , 72 years old when he died as George
Celia Imrie She was 46 , now 71 years old as Mrs. Calloway
David Tennant He was 27 , now 53 years old
Sue Johnston She was 54 , now 80 years old
Trevor Cooper He was 45 , now 71 years old
Craig Fairbrass He was 34 , now 60 years old
Geoffrey Hutchings He was 59 , 71 years old when he died
Richard Wilson He was 284 , 278 years old when he died
Jason Watkins He was 31 , now 57 years old
Samantha Beckinsale She was 31 , now 57 years old


Name Job title
Duck Patrol (25 years)


  • First Air Date: 1998-07-19
  • Runtime: [] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 7