Your Brother. Remember? 12 years old

As kids in Maine in the early '90s, Zachary and his older brother Gator loved making home-movie versions of their two favorite films, Jean-Claude Van Damme's karate opus Kickboxer and psuedo-snuff classic Faces of Death. Now it's 2009, and though estranged from his family, Zachary returns to Maine to re-create these childhood tapes as accurately as possible. Things aren't the same however, as aging, drugs, and prison time have taken their toll on the Oberzan siblings. But with Jean-Claude and Dr. Frances B. Gröss in their corner, Zack and Gator (and sister Jenni) step back into the ring for a title shot at redemption.


Your Brother. Remember? Cast

Name Character
Gator Oberzan
Zachary Oberzan He was 38, now 50 years old

Your Brother. Remember? Crew

Name Department
Zachary Oberzan as Director. He was 38 (now 50) years old Directing
Zachary Oberzan as Writer. He was 38 (now 50) years old Writing
Gator Oberzan as Writer. Writing
Your Brother. Remember? poster
Your Brother. Remember? (12 years)

  • Release day: Friday, April 06, 2012
  • Runtime: 63 minutes