What's Up Matador 26 years old

Wanna learn a little about the music industry? Mr. Bill Boggs answers your questions with Liz Phair, Yo La Tango, and kids just like you!


What's Up Matador Cast

Name Character
Liz Phair She was 30, now 57 years old as Liz Phair
Ira Kaplan He was 40, now 67 years old as Ira Kaplan
Bill Boggs He was 56, now 83 years old as Bill Boggs

What's Up Matador Crew

Name Department
Clay Tarver as Director. He was 31 (now 58) years old Directing
Clay Tarver as Writer. He was 31 (now 58) years old Writing
What's Up Matador poster
What's Up Matador (26 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, August 26, 1997
  • Runtime: 70 minutes