Voll korrekte Jungs 21 years old

3 boys and a baby. X-mas is coming and there is a present for 17 years old Frank: his baby daughter. Frank's Mother has gone on a vacation, his father has left the family years ago. Frank will not do the same. He will not desert his child. So - who's going to help? His best friends - Wolle the nice weirdo and Burhan the young turkish macho - decide: if women can raise children real guys like they are can do it too. And the trouble starts....


Voll korrekte Jungs Cast

Name Character
Matthias Brandt He was 41, now 62 years old as Herr Fischer
Anna Bertheau She was 19, now 41 years old as Marion
Sebastian Kroehnert He was 22, now 43 years old as Wolle
Fatih Alas as Burhan
Jan-Gregor Kremp He was 40, now 61 years old as Edmund
Carin C. Tietze She was 38, now 59 years old as Franks Mutter
Maren Gingeleit as Anne
Marc Niki Jondral as Frank
Martha Marbo She was 80, 82 years old when she died as Oma Seifert
Oliver Stern He was 43, 51 years old when he died as Horst
Jacqueline Svilarov She was 27, now 48 years old as Kerstin
Norbert Heisterkamp He was 40, now 62 years old as Prügler Muki
Pilu Lydlow as Aishe
Jana Petersen She was 24, now 46 years old as Vanessa

Voll korrekte Jungs Crew

Name Department
Rolf Silber as Director. He was 49 (now 70) years old Directing
Rolf Silber as Screenplay. He was 49 (now 70) years old Writing
Caroline Hecht as Screenplay. Writing
Jochen Pahl as Screenplay. Writing
Norbert Walter as Producer. He was 23 (now 44) years old Production
Raimund Barthelmes as Editor. He was 54 (71) years old when He died Editing
Stephan Wagner as Director of Photography. He was 33 (now 55) years old Camera
Voll korrekte Jungs poster
Voll korrekte Jungs (21 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, November 14, 2002
  • Runtime: 90 minutes