Voice of My Father (Babamın Sesi) 11 years old

Voice of My Father

A haunting sociopolitical drama blending fiction and documentary to elucidate the turbulent history of a Kurdish family. Mehmet (co-director Zeynel Dogan) lives with his pregnant wife in Diyarbakir, eastern Turkey. His father was fatally injured while working in Saudi Arabia and all he has left is an audio tape letter. Now he is to become a father himself, he visits his mother to ask about more of these cassettes but she’s evasive, reluctant to upset Mehmet’s view of his father with the whole dark story.


Voice of My Father Cast

Name Character
Zeynel Dogan as Mehmet

Voice of My Father Crew

Name Department
Orhan Eskikoy as Director. Directing
Orhan Eskikoy as Writer. Writing
Zeynel Dogan as Director. Directing
Voice of My Father poster
Voice of My Father (11 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, November 01, 2012
  • Runtime: 88 minutes