The Touch of the Night (Dotknięcie nocy) 62 years old

Film inspired by true events. Roman Jacenko, a small village local photographer, lives in a shabby garret, which serves also as his lab and studio. He loves Beata, nice clerk in a nearby bank. Having often observed established procedures of money transport to and from the bank, and having received some information unawarely revealed by Beata, he decided to rob the car with cash.


The Touch of the Night Cast

Name Character
Hanna Zembrzuska She was 27, now 90 years old as Beata, pracownica banku
Bolesław Płotnicki He was 48, 75 years old when he died
Wiesław Gołas He was 31, now 93 years old as Prokosz
Stanisław Brejdygant He was 25, now 87 years old
Stefan Śródka He was 51, 70 years old when he died as Rybicki
Kazimierz Wichniarz He was 46, 80 years old when he died
Aleksander Dzwonkowski He was 54, 70 years old when he died
Elżbieta Kępińska She was 24, now 87 years old as Agnieszka
Wanda Łuczycka She was 54, 89 years old when she died as Janka, kasjerka z kombinatu
Zdzisław Lubelski He was 51, 54 years old when he died
Kazimierz Dejunowicz He was 60, 78 years old when he died
Jerzy Kozakiewicz He was 13, 58 years old when he died as Roman Jacenko, fotograf

The Touch of the Night Crew

Name Department
Aleksander Ścibor-Rylski as Writer. He was 33 (55) years old when He died Writing
Stanisław Bareja as Director. He was 32 (57) years old when He died Directing
The Touch of the Night poster
The Touch of the Night (62 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, January 11, 1962
  • Runtime: 88 minutes