The Story of Boys and Girls (Storia di ragazzi e di ragazze) 35 years old

The Story of Boys and Girls

At a farmhouse, a large family cooks mountains of food for the next day's engagement party for Silvia and her city fiancé, Angelo. Her parents feud about infidelity; an aging salesman who rents a cottage from them arrives with a young French woman; in Bologna, Angelo's mother frets that her son is marrying beneath him; his sisters are less critical. Early the next morning, the four of them go by train to the farmhouse, joined by Angelo's married, unpregnant sister. The day-long dinner is riotous, couples display affection and impatience, children chase angels. Angelo's family stays the night, and his sister Linda has a visitor. A silver elephant makes the perfect gift.


The Story of Boys and Girls Cast

Name Character
Stefania Orsola Garello She was 25, now 60 years old as Antonia, sorella di Angelo
Lina Bernardi She was 50, now 85 years old as Olimpia
Claudio Botosso He was 30, now 66 years old as Taddeo
Massimo Bonetti He was 37, now 73 years old as Baldo
Anna Bonaiuto She was 38, now 74 years old as Amelia, madre di Angelo
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi She was 24, now 59 years old as Valeria
Alessandro Haber He was 41, now 77 years old as Giulio, padre di Silvia
Felice Andreasi He was 60, 77 years old when he died as Domenico
Lucrezia Lante della Rovere She was 22, now 57 years old as Silvia
Santo Bellina He was 24, now 59 years old
Marcello Cesena He was 32, now 67 years old as Lele
Enrica Maria Modugno She was 30, now 65 years old as Linda, zia di Angelo
Davide Bechini He was 26, now 61 years old as Angelo

The Story of Boys and Girls Crew

Name Department
The Story of Boys and Girls poster
The Story of Boys and Girls (35 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 1989
  • Runtime: 87 minutes