Sweetheart 13 years old

Nina was forced to move to a new school for girls because her mother Cynthia had just married a rich businessman. Nina has to deal with the Sweetheart gang, a collection of three of the most beautiful and popular girls in her school, Imel, Fifi and Cherry. Is Nina willing to sell all of her life principles for the sake of popularity at school. Will the world with all its bitterness finally change Nina?


Sweetheart Cast

Name Character
Marcel Chandrawinata He was 23, now 37 years old

Sweetheart Crew

Name Department
Hanny R. Saputra as Director. He was 45 (now 59) years old Directing
Sweetheart poster
Sweetheart (13 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, September 30, 2010
  • Runtime: 108 minutes