Soul boy 14 years old

A Lost Father. A Dedicated Son. A Magical Journey.

Soul boy

Abila (14) lives in one of the most miserable slums in Africa. His girlfriend Shiku belongs to a different tribe, as the result of which he is not really allowed to fraternize with her. And then one drunken night his father gambles away his own soul.


Soul boy Cast

Name Character
Krysteen Savane as Nyawawa

Soul boy Crew

Name Department
Guy Wilson as Producer. He was 24 (now 38) years old Production
Verena Rahmig as Producer. Production
Billy Kahora as Screenplay. He was 10 (now 24) years old Writing
Soul boy poster
Soul boy (14 years)

A Lost Father. A Dedicated Son. A Magical Journey.

  • Release day: Friday, January 01, 2010
  • Runtime: 61 minutes