Sophia: Biography of a Violin Concerto (Sophia: Ein Violinkonzert für Anne-Sophie Mutter) 16 years old

Russian-born composer Sofia Gubaidulina entered the international spotlight at a relatively late age, when the 49-year-old came forward with her premier violin concerto, "Offertorium," in 1980. Gubaidulina authored that piece for Gideon Kremer. Curiously, it would be another 12 years before Gubaidulina received a commission (from Paul Sacher) to author her second violin concerto, and another 15 years after that until the notes fell on ears ripe with anticipation. For the debut of the "Second Violin Concerto," Gubaidulina insisted that no one other than German violin virtuoso Anne-Sophie Mutter perform it. That Mutter performance from August 2007 appears, in its entirety, in this classical concert film. Jan Schmidt-Garre directs.


Sophia: Biography of a Violin Concerto Cast

Name Character
Simon Rattle He was 53, now 69 years old

Sophia: Biography of a Violin Concerto Crew

Name Department
Jan Schmidt-Garre as Director. He was 45 (now 62) years old Directing
Sophia: Biography of a Violin Concerto (16 years)

  • Release day: Monday, April 21, 2008