The Sex Temple (Sextemplet) 9 years old

Robin ownes a beautiful old theatre in Norrköping, Sweden. There he lives with his husband. To solve a critical financial situation for the theatre, Robin puts up an equivoque burlesque show. In the middle of rehearsals he gets a phone call from Christian, the owner of a swingers club, who is in desperate need of new facilities because of a terrible fire that ruined his club. Renting out the cellar is a very interesting option for Robin and soon the two new friends start to cooperate while the town of Norrköping is in rage. The dream of Cristian is to make a big swingers party in the whole theatre and sometimes dreams come true.

The Sex Temple poster
The Sex Temple (9 years)

  • Release day: Friday, May 29, 2015
  • Runtime: 81 minutes