Sex, Okra & Salted Butter (Sexe, gombo et beurre salé) 15 years old

An extramarital affair leads to Hortense’s separation from her very traditional African husband, who is in for a ride as he learns about her love affair, his eldest son’s secret love life, and the responsibilities of single parenthood.


Sex, Okra & Salted Butter Cast

Name Character
Dioucounda Koma as Dani
Aïssa Maïga She was 33, now 49 years old as Amina
Mata Gabin She was 36, now 52 years old as Hortense
Lorella Cravotta She was 50, now 66 years old as Myriam

Sex, Okra & Salted Butter Crew

Name Department
Mahamat-Saleh Haroun as Director. Directing
Mahamat-Saleh Haroun as Writer. Writing
Sex, Okra & Salted Butter poster
Sex, Okra & Salted Butter (15 years)

  • Release day: Friday, July 18, 2008
  • Runtime: 81 minutes