School Urban Legend: Toire no Hanako-san (学校の都市伝説 トイレの花子さん) 17 years old

Hamaguchi Mika has been appointed to a matter that there are rumors that "Hanako-san are living" in the school. Mika doesn't know anything. Meanwhile, if you are walking, which finished the first lesson, suddenly, she sees the toilet that was written as "off limits". Mika does not know the rumor in the toilet, where Mika sees something that is eye sight surprising.


School Urban Legend: Toire no Hanako-san Cast

Name Character
Hiroshi Ohmori

School Urban Legend: Toire no Hanako-san Crew

Name Department
School Urban Legend: Toire no Hanako-san poster
School Urban Legend: Toire no Hanako-san (17 years)

  • Release day: Friday, June 22, 2007
  • Runtime: 80 minutes