Rama Superman Indonesia 50 years old

Andi is a newspaper hawker who is honest and kind-hearted. One day he was helping a sick grandfather. The grandfather gave Andi a magical necklace. When the necklace was kissed, Andi turned to Rama who has superhuman strength and can fly. One of the customers of the newspaper Andi is Lia. Lia's father was a professor who invented a new explosive. Black Dragon group trying to steal the explosives formula. Lia and her father helped Rama to capture kingpin Black Dragon. (via Google Translate)


Rama Superman Indonesia Cast

Name Character
Jenny Rachman She was 14, now 65 years old as Lia

Rama Superman Indonesia Crew

Name Department
Rama Superman Indonesia poster
Rama Superman Indonesia (50 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 1974
  • Runtime: 69 minutes