PWG: The Secret of Guerrilla Island 15 years old

PWG: The Secret of Guerrilla Island

1. Johnny Goodtime vs. Charles Mercury 2. Chuck Taylor vs. Human Tornado 3. Malachi "CK" Jackson & Jerome "LTP" Robinson vs. The Cutler Brothers (Brandon & Dustin Cutler) 4. Kenny Omega vs. Roderick Strong 5. El Generico vs. Scott Lost 6. Davey Richards vs. Nick Jackson 7. Necro Butcher vs. Joey Ryan


PWG: The Secret of Guerrilla Island Cast

Name Character
Dylan Keith Summers He was 35, now 50 years old as Necro Butcher
Joseph Ryan Meehan He was 29, now 44 years old as Himself
Human Tornado He was 26, now 41 years old as Human Tornado

PWG: The Secret of Guerrilla Island Crew

Name Department
PWG: The Secret of Guerrilla Island poster
PWG: The Secret of Guerrilla Island (15 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, June 28, 2009