Panggilan Pulau 69 years old

A man falls in love with a woman above his station. Zul is working at a stable owned by Johan. Eventually at the same time Zul fell in love with Johan's daughter Jelita. But after being ridiculed and mocked by Johan and his friends Husin, Zul resigned from his job and wanted to be a sailor instead. But unfortunately the ship he was on was hit with a big tidal wave and began sinking. Zul ended being thrown on the shore of an island not known to him. Will he ever see his Jelita again after this? How will he ever find a way to save his own life?


Panggilan Pulau Cast

Name Character
Latifah Omar She was 15, 74 years old when she died as Melati
P. Ramlee He was 25, 44 years old when he died as Zulkifli
Yusof Latiff He was 32, 75 years old when he died as Husin
Siti Tanjung Perak She was 40, 78 years old when she died

Panggilan Pulau Crew

Name Department
Panggilan Pulau poster
Panggilan Pulau (69 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, July 04, 1954
  • Runtime: 99 minutes