Old Mother Riley 86 years old

Old Mother Riley is a 1937 British comedy film directed by Oswald Mitchell and starring Arthur Lucan, Kitty McShane, Barbara Everest, Patrick Ludlow and Hubert Leslie. Mother Riley and her daughter stop the plans of some disinherited relatives to overturn the terms of a will. It was the first in the Old Mother Riley series of films.


Old Mother Riley Cast

Name Character
Charles Paton He was 63, 95 years old when he died as Family Solicitor
Edith Sharpe She was 44, 91 years old when she died as Matilda Lawson
Kitty McShane She was 40, 66 years old when she died as Kitty Riley
Patrick Ludlow He was 34, 93 years old when he died as Edwin Briggs
Barbara Everest She was 47, 77 years old when she died as Mrs. Briggs
Arthur Lucan He was 51, 68 years old when he died as Old Mother Riley
Syd Crossley He was 51, 74 years old when he died as Briggs’ Butler

Old Mother Riley Crew

Name Department
Oswald Mitchell as Director. He was 47 (59) years old when He died Directing
Old Mother Riley poster
Old Mother Riley (86 years)

  • Release day: Friday, August 13, 1937
  • Runtime: 75 minutes