Naughty Reunion 12 years old

Five former classmates agree to split the cost of a rental house in Santa Barbara. Each one hopes to hook up with someone they used to have a crush on. A bad guy figures he will seduce the smart one for sport but ends up falling for her. Each one ends up with the person they least expect.


Naughty Reunion Cast

Name Character
Erika Jordan She was 29, now 42 years old as Taylor Cassidy
Melissa Jacobs She was 30, now 43 years old as Kelly Ellis
Daisy Marie She was 27, now 40 years old as Sonia
Dale DaBone He was 39, now 52 years old as Jax Whitley

Naughty Reunion Crew

Name Department
Naughty Reunion poster
Naughty Reunion (12 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, December 03, 2011
  • Runtime: 83 minutes