My Kingdom for a Husband (璇宮艷史) 66 years old

Vagabond singer Ali is embroiled in a dispute over love and is compelled to return to his own country. Ali is mistaken for the future queen's consort and chances to meet her majesty Law Yee. Law falls head over heels for Ali and they get married not long after. However, Ali finds royal formalities unbearable and decides to run away from the palace. Disregarding all rules, Law follows her man to wherever he goes.


My Kingdom for a Husband Cast

Name Character
Ying Cheung as Ali

My Kingdom for a Husband Crew

Name Department
Chung Kai-Man as Executive Producer. Production
Huang Ming as Cinematography. He was 0 (now 66) years old Crew
My Kingdom for a Husband (66 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, September 11, 1957
  • Runtime: 115 minutes