Mon cher petit village 9 years old

Nuclear engineer Antoine Degas must convince the small town of Saint-Lassou to host a storage site for radioactive waste. But the town's German mayor, a fierce ecologist and organic farmer, is steadfastly opposed to the idea.


Mon cher petit village Cast

Name Character
Aurélia Petit She was 43, now 53 years old as Sandrine
Laurent Stocker He was 41, now 51 years old as Antoine
Philippe Duquesne He was 49, now 59 years old as Gérard
Vicky Krieps She was 31, now 40 years old as Elisabeth
Claude Gensac She was 87, 89 years old when she died as Adèle
Katja Riemann She was 51, now 60 years old as Anna
Eric Savin as Florian
Frans Boyer He was 36, now 45 years old as Gärtner

Mon cher petit village Crew

Name Department
Gabriel Le Bomin as Director. He was 47 (now 56) years old Directing
Mon cher petit village poster
Mon cher petit village (9 years)

  • Release day: Friday, January 09, 2015
  • Runtime: 88 minutes