Mods 21 years old

A college stands in the middle of verdant grounds. One day, Édouard, a student, suddenly falls sick. The college doctor is unable to diagnose the young man's illness. Anna, the college director, calls in Édouard's two brothers, professional soldiers, in the hope that they will help her discover what the mysterious illness is.


Mods Cast

Name Character
Serge Bozon He was 29, now 51 years old as Paul
Patricia Barzyk She was 38, now 60 years old as Catherine
Laurent Lacotte He was 49, now 71 years old as Edouard
Axelle Ropert She was 30, now 52 years old as Anna
Vladimir Léon He was 33, now 55 years old as Charles
Guillaume Verdier He was 49, now 71 years old as François

Mods Crew

Name Department
Serge Bozon as Director. He was 29 (now 51) years old Directing
Axelle Ropert as Writer. She was 30 (now 52) years old Writing
Céline Bozon as Cinematography. She was 27 (now 49) years old Crew
Mods poster
Mods (21 years)

  • Release day: Friday, October 25, 2002
  • Runtime: 59 minutes