Maneuvers on the Fifth Floor (Маневри на петия етаж) 39 years old

Danton, Petar and Andrey work together on the fifth floor of a socialist industrial research institute from the mid-eighties.

Three colleagues and devoted friends – Danton, Petar and Andrey – share an office, and not only, on the fifth floor of a socialist industrial research institute from the mid-eighties. Every morning when they come to work they lock the door of the office and, armed with binoculars and great interest, they begin watching the aerobics exercises of a young girl in the nearby building. Suddenly, their tranquil daily round is disturbed - a new director takes over the Institute and decides to develop close scientific partnerships with similar institutes in Japan.


Maneuvers on the Fifth Floor Cast

Name Character
Stefan Danailov He was 42, 76 years old when he died as Danton Tahov
Velko Kanev He was 36, 63 years old when he died as Petar Petkin

Maneuvers on the Fifth Floor Crew

Name Department
Petar B. Vasilev as Director. He was 66 (83) years old when He died Directing
Maneuvers on the Fifth Floor poster
Maneuvers on the Fifth Floor (39 years)

Danton, Petar and Andrey work together on the fifth floor of a socialist industrial research institute from the mid-eighties.

  • Release day: Monday, June 03, 1985
  • Runtime: 94 minutes