Losharik (Лошарик) 53 years old

The film tells us about the circus horse made of wooden balls who became the best actor in the circus. Yuri Norstein was it's sole animator. His handling of puppets and decor created a rare elegant beauty. Being known as the worlds greatest puppet animation director, many people in the west forget that he was animator too.


Losharik Cast

Name Character
Rina Zelyonaya She was 69, 89 years old when she died as Losharik (voice)

Losharik Crew

Name Department
Ivan Ufimtsev as Director. He was 42 (82) years old when He died Directing
Losharik poster
Losharik (53 years)

  • Release day: Friday, January 01, 1971
  • Runtime: 10 minutes