Locksmith and Chancellor (Слесарь и канцлер) 101 years old

The Government of the fictional country Norland has unleashed a war with the neighboring Galikania and is suffering one defeat after another. A group of conspirators who were dissatisfied with this state of affairs, led by the Social Democrat Frank Frey arrange a coup to overthrew the emperor of Norland. But the working class does not like the new order either. Workers expose Frank Frey's policy of continuing the war and a revolution breaks out in the country. The leader of the socialist revolution becomes a mechanic of the name Franz Stark.


Locksmith and Chancellor Cast

Name Character
Zoya Barantsevich She was 27, 56 years old when she died
Vladimir Gardin He was 45, 88 years old when he died

Locksmith and Chancellor Crew

Name Department
Vladimir Gardin as Director. He was 45 (88) years old when He died Directing
Vladimir Gardin as Writer. He was 45 (88) years old when He died Writing
Locksmith and Chancellor (101 years)

  • Release day: Monday, January 01, 1923
  • Runtime: 54 minutes