Legend of the Blue Hole 20 years old

A portrait of a rebel and his search for the unknown. This was James Rolfe's senior film in college, (2004) originally intended as a pilot episode for a series based on urban legends in southern New Jersey. He was inspired by Weird NJ magazines, the Twilight Zone and anthology films like Creepshow.


Legend of the Blue Hole Cast

Name Character
John Philips He was 327, 32 years old when he died as Professor
Steven Gleich as Jason (54)
Dana Michael as Samantha

Legend of the Blue Hole Crew

Name Department
James D. Rolfe as Director. He was 23 (now 43) years old Directing
James D. Rolfe as Writer. He was 23 (now 43) years old Writing
Legend of the Blue Hole poster
Legend of the Blue Hole (20 years)

  • Release day: Monday, May 17, 2004
  • Runtime: 21 minutes