Kidz in da Hood (Förortsungar) 17 years old

Kidz in da Hood

Kidz in da Hood is the gripping and warm story of Amina, who came to Sweden with her grandfather three years ago. Amina has not yet received her residency permit and when her grandfather dies everything seems to fall apart. She temporarily hides out with pierced and tattooed rocker Johan, who lives in a worn-down suburb. The wild girl Mirre lives on the same floor as Amina and together they begin fighting for Amina to stay in Sweden and live with Johan.


Kidz in da Hood Cast

Name Character
Gustaf Skarsgård He was 25, now 43 years old as Johan
Olle Sarri He was 34, now 52 years old as Berra
Sunil Munshi He was 34, now 52 years old as Jesper

Kidz in da Hood Crew

Name Department
Ylva Gustavsson as Director. She was 42 (now 60) years old Directing
Ylva Gustavsson as Writer. She was 42 (now 60) years old Writing
Hans Renhäll as Writer. He was 42 (now 60) years old Writing
Kidz in da Hood poster
Kidz in da Hood (17 years)

  • Release day: Friday, October 27, 2006
  • Runtime: 96 minutes