The Extraterrestrial Women (Инопланетянка) 40 years old

Extraterrestrial Girl visited Earth.Inventor Blinkov in love with her. His love is awakened in her new emotions and feelings.She realized that Blinkov can not live in a different world.And she leaves the Earth with sadness and loneliness.


The Extraterrestrial Women Cast

Name Character
Vladimir Nosik He was 35, now 76 years old
Lyudmila Shagalova She was 60, 88 years old when she died
Yelena Tonunts She was 29, now 70 years old as Igor's colleague
Liliya Aleshnikova She was 48, 73 years old when she died
Aleksandr Yakovlev He was 37, 70 years old when he died
Zoya Vasilkova She was 57, 82 years old when she died
Natalya Kaznacheyeva She was 26, now 67 years old
Natalya Martinson She was 27, now 68 years old
Viktor Shulgin He was 62, 71 years old when he died

The Extraterrestrial Women Crew

Name Department
Yakov Segel as Director. He was 60 (72) years old when He died Directing
Yakov Segel as Writer. He was 60 (72) years old when He died Writing
Iosif Olshansky as Writer. He was 66 (86) years old when He died Writing
The Extraterrestrial Women poster
The Extraterrestrial Women (40 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 1984
  • Runtime: 84 minutes