Hollywood Sins 24 years old

The steamiest stories take place behind the camera

Hollywood. Tinseltown. Sin City. A town that's built its reputation on money, power and sex. A typical talent agent, Simon Teller is no different that the rest of the Hollywood elite. He'll do anything to seal a deal. And he and his starlet fiancee, Lacy Lloyd, like to push the envelope of their sexual boundaries. They get off by video-taping their erotic indiscretions with other men and women and watching them together. But eventually Simon picks the wrong woman to fool around with. When Donna, the sultry conniving wife of the agency's CEO, seduces and then black-mails him, he'll have to summon more than the usual tricks to land on his feet.


Hollywood Sins Cast

Name Character
Jennifer Avalon She was 26, now 52 years old as Kayleen (as Tracy Smith)
Mia Zottoli She was 30, now 56 years old as Lacy Lloyd
Kim Dawson She was 35, now 60 years old as Donna Silverstein
Justin Carroll as Simon Teller (as Hal Hutton)
Ginger Justin as Lillian
Eric Acsell as Billy
Tess Broussard She was 20, now 46 years old as Debbie

Hollywood Sins Crew

Name Department
Edward Holzman as Director. He was 46 (now 71) years old Directing
Steve Hajdu as Writer. Writing
Hollywood Sins poster
Hollywood Sins (24 years)

The steamiest stories take place behind the camera

  • Release day: Saturday, January 01, 2000
  • Runtime: 108 minutes