Game On! The Unauthorized History of Video Games 17 years old

CNBC examines the history of the video game industry from the first tennis game developed for an oscilloscope to the Atari and video arcade game boom of the early 1980s. It looks at the history of electronic game all the way up to the current Nintendo, Playstation, and Xbox game systems.


Game On! The Unauthorized History of Video Games Cast

Name Character
Michael Katz as Himself - Former President, Sega America

Game On! The Unauthorized History of Video Games Crew

Name Department
Bob Waldman as Director. Directing
Bob Waldman as Writer. Writing
Game On! The Unauthorized History of Video   Games poster
Game On! The Unauthorized History of Video Games (17 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, November 15, 2006
  • Runtime: 89 minutes