Frank Zappa: The Dub Room Special! 42 years old

Frank Zappa: The Dub Room Special!

Produced by Frank Zappa in 1982, The Dub Room Special combines footage from a performance at the KCET studios in Los Angeles on August 27, 1974, a concert performed at The Palladium, NYC on October 31, 1981, some clay animation by Bruce Bickford, and several interviews. Previously only available through mail-order, it was made widely available on DVD on October 17, 2005.


Frank Zappa: The Dub Room Special! Cast

Name Character
Frank Zappa He was 41, 52 years old when he died as Himself

Frank Zappa: The Dub Room Special! Crew

Name Department
Frank Zappa as Director. He was 41 (52) years old when He died Directing
Frank Zappa as Writer. He was 41 (52) years old when He died Writing
Frank Zappa: The Dub Room Special! poster
Frank Zappa: The Dub Room Special! (42 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, June 01, 1982
  • Runtime: 92 minutes