Endurocross The Movie 15 years old

Welcome to Endurocross! The fastest growing sport of motorcycles in America. Follus us in a phenomenal adventure as we travel from Las Vegas to South Carolina and back. Endurocross will have you on your feet the whole way through. Endurocross - The Movie documents riders such as Taddy Blazusiak, Ricky Dietrich, Geoff Aaron, and many more. See every crash, pass, and bobble in cinematic style.


Endurocross The Movie Cast

Name Character
Ricky Dietrich as Self
Mike Brown as Self
Cory Grafunder as Self
Taddy Blazusiak as Self
Geoff Aaron as Self

Endurocross The Movie Crew

Name Department
Dillon Lesovsky as Director. Directing
Endurocross The Movie (15 years)

  • Release day: Monday, June 01, 2009
  • Runtime: 50 minutes