El último caso del detective Prado 18 years old

After a long career as a detective in the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Police of Puerto Rico, José Rafael Prado takes office work before retiring. The murder of a coworker creates a vacancy Prado quickly wants to fill in order to "retire with honor".


El último caso del detective Prado Cast

Name Character
Ivan Camilo as Mercedes' driver

El último caso del detective Prado Crew

Name Department
Jaime Costas as Director of Photography. Camera
Pedro J. Villalón as Gaffer. Lighting
Pedro J. Villalón as Lighting Technician. Lighting
Coraly Santaliz as Script Supervisor. Directing
El último caso del detective Prado (18 years)

  • Release day: Monday, January 02, 2006
  • Runtime: 150 minutes