Dixie Dregs: Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1978 new born

Pumping out their signature sound -- a fusion of jazz, rock and bluegrass -- the Dixie Dregs wow an exuberant audience at Switzerland's prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival. Guitarist Steve Morse, violinist Allen Sloan, bassist Andy West, drummer Rod Morgenstein and keyboardist Mark Parrish crank it up for the crowd, delivering an array of musical gems. Songs include "Freefall," "Country House Shuffle," "Patchwork" and "Take It Off the Top."


Dixie Dregs: Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1978 Cast

Name Character
Steve Morse He was 70, now 70 years old as guitar

Dixie Dregs: Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1978 Crew

Name Department
Dixie Dregs: Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1978 poster
Dixie Dregs: Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1978 (0 years)

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