Der Vamp im Schlafrock 22 years old

The multiple burden as a mother, wife and author of successful historical romance novels Ellen swiss mastered always bravado. Actually, the attractive late forties could be satisfied with her life. But while it's just crackling with eroticism in her books, it only seems to exist for her husband as a housewife and mother. Gudrun Landgrebe plays the lead role in this quick-witted, aptly-watched comedy about the everyday chaos between kitchen, children, job and bed.


Der Vamp im Schlafrock Cast

Name Character
Ralph Herforth He was 41, now 64 years old as Richard Engel
Eleonore Weisgerber She was 53, now 75 years old as Ulrike
Gudrun Landgrebe She was 51, now 74 years old as Ellen Schweizer
Nicole Heesters She was 64, now 87 years old as Marta Bosch
Oscar Ortega Sánchez He was 39, now 62 years old as Gianni
Walter Kreye He was 59, now 81 years old as Donald Schweizer
Luci Van Org She was 40, now 62 years old as Lisette Vronsky
Esther Esche She was 36, now 59 years old

Der Vamp im Schlafrock Crew

Name Department
Berno Kürten as Director. He was 45 (now 68) years old Directing
Der Vamp im Schlafrock poster
Der Vamp im Schlafrock (22 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 07, 2001
  • Runtime: 85 minutes