Depraved! 56 years old

A swinger's tour of the far-out, unnatural and forbidden ways to love!

Three New York swingers couples, Bob and Polly, Rod and Linda, Vera and Mark, experiment with drugs, swapping mates, and homosexuality. Vera is a bisexual who learns that she's pregnant but does not know who the father is and finds solace with a lesbian friend. Linda cheats on Rod with his brother-in-law, while Polly is a lesbian in denial whom attends transvestite parties to escape from being around her misogynistic husband Bob.


Depraved! Cast

Name Character
Carol Vogel She was 25, 75 years old when she died
Anne Linden

Depraved! Crew

Name Department
Andy Milligan as Director. He was 38 (62) years old when He died Directing
Depraved! poster
Depraved! (56 years)

A swinger's tour of the far-out, unnatural and forbidden ways to love!

  • Release day: Wednesday, September 27, 1967
  • Runtime: 75 minutes