De Tripas, Corazón 28 years old

The coming-of-age story of young milkboy Martín (García Bernal). While his friends Jesús (Altomaro) and Roberto (Mora) are cocky and apparently they have a lot of experience in sex, young Martín is shy, quiet and virgin. Everything changes when the young cocky boys want to prove they're men and go to a brothel without Martín.


De Tripas, Corazón Cast

Name Character
Elpidia Carrillo She was 34, now 62 years old
Gael García Bernal He was 17, now 45 years old
Martín Altomaro He was 19, now 48 years old
Eugenio Polgovsky He was 18, 40 years old when he died

De Tripas, Corazón Crew

Name Department
De Tripas, Corazón poster
De Tripas, Corazón (28 years)

  • Release day: Monday, January 01, 1996
  • Runtime: 16 minutes