Croque la vie 42 years old

Friendships and business do not mix, that's what we find with Theresa, Catherine and Alain, three longtime friends. Freshly graduated, they decided to start their own business, but work is scarce and a fight breaks out between the trio. Separated, married and scattered all over France, the once inseparable trio no longer keep in touch. But four years later, they decided to organize a big party for their reunion which serves as an opportunity for them to put things right and confess everything they have in their hearts.


Croque la vie Cast

Name Character
Brigitte Fossey She was 35, now 78 years old as Catherine
Bernard Giraudeau He was 34, 63 years old when he died as Alain
Alain Doutey He was 36, now 79 years old as Jérôme
Alix de Konopka She was 24, now 67 years old as Anne-Marie
Carole Laure She was 30, now 72 years old as Thérèse
Jacques Serres He was 28, now 71 years old as Bernard
Jean-Marc Thibault He was 58, 93 years old when he died as Lamblin, père de Thérèse

Croque la vie Crew

Name Department
Agnès Guillemot as Editor. She was 49 (74) years old when She died Editing
Jean Boffety as Director of Photography. He was 56 (63) years old when He died Camera
Gabriel Boustiani as Producer. Production
Gérard Anfosso as Original Music Composer. Sound
Jean-Charles Tacchella as Director. He was 56 (now 98) years old Directing
Jean-Charles Tacchella as Screenplay. He was 56 (now 98) years old Writing
Croque la vie poster
Croque la vie (42 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, November 18, 1981
  • Runtime: 105 minutes