Cop in Drag (Delitto al Blue Gay) 39 years old

Cop in Drag

Rome, Italy, early 1980s. A guy who worked at the Blue Gay, a transvestite cabaret, is found murdered, strangled. Marshal Nico Giraldi (Tomas Milian) is responsible for investigating, infiltrating the Roman Gay community.


Cop in Drag Cast

Name Character
Tomás Milián He was 51, 84 years old when he died as Nico Giraldi
Mario Amendola He was 73, 83 years old when he died as Roberto Sandulli
Marina Hedman She was 40, now 79 years old as prostituta
Bombolo He was 53, 56 years old when he died as Venticello
Enzo Garinei He was 58, now 98 years old as giudice
Francesco Anniballi He was 44, 51 years old when he died as uomo di Linder
Angelo Pellegrino He was 38, now 77 years old as Daniele
Anita Kupsch She was 44, now 84 years old as Brigitte
Marcello Martana He was 61, 69 years old when he died as commissario Trentini
Holger Münzer He was 45, 78 years old when he died as Kurt Linder
Franco Caracciolo He was 40, 55 years old when he died as buttadentro del Blue Gay

Cop in Drag Crew

Name Department
Bruno Corbucci as Director. He was 53 (64) years old when He died Directing
Bruno Corbucci as Screenplay. He was 53 (64) years old when He died Writing
Cop in Drag poster
Cop in Drag (39 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, November 11, 1984
  • Runtime: 96 minutes