Big Father, Small Father and Other Stories (Cha và con và…) 9 years old

Big Father, Small Father and Other Stories

Saigon, early 2000s. Photography student Vu has just arrived from Vietnam's backwaters and is immediately attracted to his handsome roommate Thang, who works odd jobs as a bouncer and low-level drug dealer. Entranced by the nocturnal rhythms of Thang's world, Vu follows him around the city where he meets Van, a ballet-cum-exotic dancer and Thang's sometimes-girlfriend.


Big Father, Small Father and Other Stories Cast

Name Character
Do Thi Hai Yen She was 32, now 41 years old
Mai Thế Hiệp as Doctor

Big Father, Small Father and Other Stories Crew

Name Department
Dang Di Phan as Director. Directing
Big Father, Small Father and Other Stories poster
Big Father, Small Father and Other Stories (9 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 20, 2015
  • Runtime: 100 minutes