Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay (バトルガール Tokyo Crisis Wars) 32 years old

Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay

A meteor lands in Japan and the fallout creates a “shield” around Tokyo, encasing the city in a foggy darkness. A state of martial law is declared. People are in a panic as violent crime and corruption spreads throughout the region and punk gangs are ruling the streets. As if things weren’t bad enough, a chemical reaction from the meteor unleashes a deadly virus and now the dead are coming back to life as flesh-eating zombies!


Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay Cast

Name Character
Toshiya Ito
Kenji Otsuki as General Fujioka
Katsuhiro Fukuda
Shirō Shimomoto He was 43, now 75 years old
Ryo Narushima

Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay Crew

Name Department
Kazuo Komizu as Director. He was 44 (now 77) years old Directing
Akira Ishige as Art Direction. Art
Kan Suzuki as Editor. He was 27 (now 60) years old Editing
Hitoshi Matsuyama as Special Effects Manager. Crew
Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay poster
Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay (32 years)

  • Release day: Friday, November 08, 1991
  • Runtime: 73 minutes