Bach: St. John Passion 10 years old

Johann Sebastian Bach’s St John Passion with the Berliner Philharmoniker and Sir Simon Rattle was one of the outstanding events of the past season. As before with the St Matthew Passion, star director Peter Sellars succeeded in creating a staging which made the spiritual and dramatic content of the Passion story even more intensive. The New York Times also praised the “brilliant and energetic” playing of the orchestra, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung the “haunting, almost unsurpassable singing of all those involved.”


Bach: St. John Passion Cast

Name Character
Simon Rattle He was 59, now 69 years old as Conductor

Bach: St. John Passion Crew

Name Department
Johann Sebastian Bach as Compositors. He was 329 (65) years old when He died Crew
Peter Sellars as Director. He was 56 (now 66) years old Directing
Bach: St. John Passion (10 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, March 22, 2014
  • Runtime: 187 minutes