Asian School Girls 10 years old

Revenge was never sweeter!

Asian School Girls

Kidnapped by a Los Angeles crime syndicate, a group of schoolgirls must fight and seduce their way to vengeance after one of them committed suicide, teaching the criminals a lesson in kicking butt and taking names.


Asian School Girls Cast

Name Character
Xin Sarith Wuku as Ray
Jonathan Nation as Carl
Mitch Lerner as Tim
William Thomas Jones He was 63, now 73 years old as Charles
John C. Epperson as Martin

Asian School Girls Crew

Name Department
Lawrence Silverstein as Director. Directing
Chris Ridenhour as Music. He was 14 (now 24) years old Sound
Rob Pallatina as Editor. Editing
Asian School Girls poster
Asian School Girls (10 years)

Revenge was never sweeter!

  • Release day: Tuesday, April 15, 2014
  • Runtime: 90 minutes