Antara Senyum Dan Tangis 72 years old

Abidin is an engineer working in a mine . The mine owner named Hamid was a cheapskate. Hamid had a daughter named Maimonides who love Abidin . One day , an accident at the mine and a worker had died. Hamid does not want to pay the compensation to the families of these workers.


Antara Senyum Dan Tangis Cast

Name Character
P. Ramlee He was 22, 44 years old when he died as Abidin
Siti Tanjung Perak She was 38, 78 years old when she died

Antara Senyum Dan Tangis Crew

Name Department
P. Ramlee as Dialogue. He was 22 (44) years old when He died Writing
Antara Senyum Dan Tangis (72 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, February 27, 1952