American Desi 23 years old

College freshman Krishna Reddy, who has never cared for his Indian-American cultural heritage, looks forward to a new life on campus but is surprised to find that he has been assigned Indian roommates.


American Desi Cast

Name Character
Kal Penn He was 23, now 47 years old as Ajay Pandya
Purva Bedi She was 27, now 50 years old as Nina Shah
Tirlok Malik as Mr. Saeed
Sunil Malhotra He was 25, now 48 years old as Hemant
Sanjit De Silva He was 24, now 47 years old as Chandu
Ravi Khanna He was 43, now 67 years old as Mr. Singh
Eric Axen as Eric Berger
Deep Katdare He was 30, now 53 years old as Krishnagopal "Kris" Reddy

American Desi Crew

Name Department
Deep Katdare as Producer. He was 30 (now 53) years old Production
Piyush Dinker Pandya as Director. Directing
Piyush Dinker Pandya as Producer. Production
Piyush Dinker Pandya as Writer. Writing
American Desi poster
American Desi (23 years)

  • Release day: Monday, January 01, 2001
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • Budget: 250000.00