God Father (師爸) 44 years old

A combination of God Of Gamblers and The Sting. Git is a young mechanic working for his uncle in a small garage. Git's cousin is tricked out of a large amount of money by a card sharp, and Git promises revenge. But the card sharp, called "Card Devil", works for the ruthless gang boss Kwok, and Git is also tricked. Having pledged the garage against the debt, Git desperately seeks the assistance of the one man who is up to the task of tricking the crooks, Ghost Eye.


God Father Cast

Name Character
Chow Yun-fat He was 24, now 69 years old as Git
Roy Chiao He was 52, 72 years old when he died as Ghost Eye Chu Tung Shen
Pai Ying He was 40, now 84 years old as Kwok
Wong Ching He was 30, now 75 years old as Yuen
Dorothy Yu Chi-hsia as Mei

God Father Crew

Name Department
Johnny Koo as Director of Photography. Camera
Frankie Chan Fan-Kei as Original Music Composer. He was 29 (now 73) years old Sound
Dennis Yu as Director. Directing
God Father poster
God Father (44 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, January 23, 1980
  • Runtime: 87 minutes