最好的快要發生 The Best Is Yet To Come
最好的快要發生 The Best Is Yet To Come (6 years)


  • Release day: Wednesday, March 21, 2018

最好的快要發生 The Best Is Yet To Come 6 years old


Nicholas Teo When album released, He was 36, now 42 years old
# Song Play
1 First Light by Nicholas Teo Duration: 02:11
2 魚與熊掌 Fish And The Bear by Nicholas Teo Duration: 05:05
3 晴天樹 Tree by Nicholas Teo Duration: 03:39
4 玻璃缸 Brainwashed Generation by Nicholas Teo Duration: 04:48
5 自己的風雨 Silent Storm by Nicholas Teo Duration: 04:14
6 最好的快要發生 The Best Is Yet To Come by Nicholas Teo Duration: 04:53
7 Keep Going by Nicholas Teo Duration: 01:46